Reza Raditya Rachman (2021) SISTEM AGRIBISNIS USAHATANI PADI SEMIORGANIK DI KABUPATEN BANTUL. S1 thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

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This study aims to describe the agribusiness system, analyze costs, revenues, benefits, and the feasibility of semiorganic rice farming in Bantul Regency. Sampling of farmers using the Multistage Sampling method with a total sample of 60 farmers and sampling of traders using the Snowball method with a sample size of 10 traders. To analyze the agribusiness system using descriptive analysis. Farm feasibility analysis was measured using R/C and BEP. The results of the analysis show that the semiorganic rice farming agribusiness system in Bantul Regency consists of an upstream subsystem, a farming subsystem, and a downstream sub-system. In the upstream subsystem, in the provision of seeds farmers make their own, buying from captivity, buying from shops, borrowing from barns, and buying from other farmers. Manure production is obtained by farmers producing their own manure and buying them from farmer groups. Procurement of foliar fertilizers comes from own production. The procurement of organic pesticides comes from their own production and is obtained from the head of the farmer group. Organic fertilizer produced by the factory is obtained from buying at the farm shop. In the farming subsystem, the activities carried out include land processing, seeding, planting, fertilizing, maintaining, harvesting and post-harvesting. In the marketing of semiorganic rice in Bantul Regency, there are 7 marketing channels, namely: Channel I (Farmer-milling-retailer-consumer), channel II (Farmermilling-consumer), channel III (Farmer-trader-collector-retailer-consumer) channel. IV (Farmer-trader-collector-consumer), channel V (Farmer-tradergatherer-retailer-consumer), channel VI (Farmer-trader-collector-consumer), channel VII (Farmer-consumer). Semiorganic rice farming in Bantul Regency costs Rp3,358,776. The revenue obtained was Rp5,055,053, income of Rp3,498,172 and a profit of Rp1,696,278. Semiorganic rice farming in Bantul Regency is feasible 2 because it has an R/C of 1.51. BEP price of Rp4,035, and a BEP of volume of 565 kg of milled dry grain.

Dosen Pembimbing: Eni Istiyanti, Ir., M.P. and Retno Wulandari, S.P., M.Sc. | NIDN0520016501, NIDN0507037701
Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > S1 Agribisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2021 07:13
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2021 07:15

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